There's a girl I know who is truely beautiful. When she goes out she shines. Yet this person looks in the mirror and critisises. This person can not go clothes shopping without coming away feeling awful about how she is "fat".
I just wish that this person would allow herself to see what the rest of the world sees when they see her. I wish she could look in the mirror and tell herself everyday that she was pretty and that anyone who critised her was mad! I wish that she could pick up a size 12 or even 14 in a shop and not panic that she's over weight and ugly.
I have a range of clothes sizes in my wardrobe. I have size 8s to size 16s. All of these clothes fit me right now. Why? Because you always buy the size that flatters you the best. You always buy the size that fits and shows off all your good bits. In some shops that means a 10 in others that means a 14. Clothes sizes mean absoloutly nothing. Try shopping at George to prove that point! lol
What is important is that you are healthy and happy. When I obsessed about being a size 8/10 I spent the entire time feeling miserable and self-conscious. I now have a size 14 hip, a size 12 waist, a size 8/10 bust and I couldn't be happier! If the dress doesn't look right then that's bad tailoring!! Lol If it looks nice then great (regardless of the size on the label!) It's all about a state of mind. It is nothing to do with dress sizes.
I eat healthily. (No frozen, processed food, Only home baked cookies and cakes, very rarely a chocolate bar) I eat what I like. I make it myself so that it has all of my favourite things in. I go to the gym (where I put on weight because i built muscle but lost cms because i burned fat) and I am in love, happy and confident.
I just wish my friend would realise that we love her very much and we all wish she could love herself just as much.
If only this girl could be free too.....
Sunday, June 26, 2005
A mirror to the old subconscious
Posted by
10:15 pm
Monday, June 13, 2005
Alls well on the Longbridge/WestHeath front.
Have chopped and tamed another wild garden. It is now smooth and ready to receive many bedding plants and shrubs. It is be-fitting a hammock (Which was my main intention) and will become a place of joy and beauty for many years to come.
Sanding down walls is much more tricky than first anticipated. Especially with the discovery that you have to create dust to suceed. All is well in Broombes lane. I believe that the current residents are making good progress and that it won't be long until my best mate moves in down the road permenatly. Look out vineyards and bathrooms everywhere. This spells trouble.
Posted by
7:45 pm
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Where do you live?
Pupil: You were on Broombes lane in the holidays weren't you miss?
Mochin: I was yes.
Pupil: Do you live in Longbridge miss?
Mochin: No. I live in West Heath
PUpil (Now looking releaved) Oh good I thought you lived near me then!
Mochin: (Bless) No sorry. Why do you live in Broombes Lane?
Pupil: No but Bob was really worried cause he thought he saw you moving in two doors down. Phew!
Look out Span air the kids of St Tommy's are watching!! Lol
(some names have been created for fun)
Posted by
5:05 pm
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Life is a funny old thing
It is obvious that if you try your best and put your heart and soul into somethine then the results will be wonderful. Why is it that the minute you start to achieve something other people become threatened and attack?
That's happened all through out my life. I was chased down corridors with people singing and taunting me when I was at school and now my bosses are attacking me because they're threatened by the fact that I am GOOD AT WHAT I DO.
Who knows the world is a funny ol' place after all.
Posted by
8:13 pm
Friday, June 03, 2005
Thank you India
Thank you frialty
Thank you disillusionment
Thank you nothing ness
Thank you terror
Thank you Thank you silence.
Posted by
10:00 pm