Getting concerned about the fact that this website can now be found rather easily in Google. I don't wish to compromise any of my colleagues or friends... I'm monitoring it...
My stat counter tells me who's been looking at the site and from where.... I know someone is accessing it through Google. I hope they're sensible....... I am sure they are.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Might have to close this down
Posted by
10:17 pm
christmas at no 14.
It was a rather busy festive season so many apologies to all those with whom I have been trying to visit over the festive period. We had the family Woodward staying with us for the duration which was nice. Family should always be around at Christmas.
Matt, Shell and I cooked up storm on Christmas day and with the addition of the outdoor furniture being hauled indoors we managed to have our meal at a table! lol. The menu included:
Homemade veggie roast
Gratin Potatoes with garlic and herb butter carrots and swede
Sprouts in orange and herb butter with roast chestnuts
A massive turkey (which of course I did not choose to partake in)
Roast Parsnips and Potatoes
and a massive Christmas pud (with cream). MMmmmm tasty.
The presents were very eventful. I got loads of DVDs, clothes, smellies and stuff but I also got given two tickets to see TAKE THAT!!!!!! WOOOO HOO (it made me cry- how sad am I! ) So i now get to fulfill a childhood dream and see them. (And for those who are wondering; I'm glad Robbie won't be there coz he's cocky and a druggie... lol) Matt doesn't want to come with me! I don't know why?Matt has been having lots of fun with his Banjo. He's trying to learn to play it bluegrass style. As a result the whole house is tripping along to a hillbilly theme. (On Christmas day i even woke up laughing because even my dreams had the basic forward roll soundtrack.)
Matt has just pealed open Eva Longoria remarking that this might be "the only time I ever get to peel Eva Longoria open" (eugh) and hung her on the wall next to my head (I bought him a calendar)
Christmas can often be a rather strange time of year but I am very thankful for what I've got. Singing carols around the hospital with Ann and Jeremy reminded me of that on Christmas Eve.
Thank god I can now relax!;)
Posted by
10:33 am
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Behold I Stand
When the night is deep
With the sense of Christmas
And expectancy hangs heavy
On every breath
Behold I stand at the door and knock
When the floor is knee deep
In discarded wrapping paper
And the new books are open at page one
And the new toys are already broken
Behold I stand at the door and knock
When the family is squashed
Elbow to elbow
Around the table
And the furious rush for food is over
And the only word that can describe the feeling
Is full
Behold I stand at the door and knock
And when Christmas is over
And the television is silent
For the first time in two days
And who sent which card to whom
Is forgotten until next year
Behold I stand at the door and knock
And when the nation has finished celebrating
Christmas without Christ
A birthday
Without a birth
The coming of Kingdom
Without a King
And when I am
Behold I stand.
Posted by
10:30 am
Saturday, December 24, 2005
card comments
Amy Mc Kinley Year 8:
"Best wishes and good luck in your new job. The gem in the necklace {a gift she gave with the card} is a crystal. If it catches the light you might see rainbows because you brought rainbows into my life."
Ryan Byrne 10SCL
"Thanks for 3 great years! You've helped me many times and I'm grateful. You're always friendly and very inspirational I'm glad to see you go on to better things but sad to see you leave. (we all are)"
Liam Year 7
"Rock on Miss Clarke!"
Maria Lavelle (fellow Year 10 tutor and creator of Barbie car)
"Congratulations, good luck and see you later! You can always dig a tunnel if you want to escape!"
Posted by
10:22 pm
Another door closes...
The final day at St Thomas Aquinas dawned on Wednesday 21st December. It was quite an eventful day (despite having followed the usual end-of-term routine.) This time however, it was both Ann and my self’s turn to be the teachers who gained the attention of the pupils in the hall. When I say pupils I mean all 1200 of them in a sports hall with 90 staff. Mr Foley, the man who has (in the past) been rather uncomplimentary announced to the whole bunch that Ann and I would not be returning in January and asked them to applaud. They did just that with whoops and cheers for an unusually long period of time. I think even he was surprised by the affection that the pupils were demonstrating. Perhaps this may have been the start of his understanding of what it is that he is going to miss out on?
After mass I had to say good bye to my wonderful form. Some teachers at Tommy's are under the impression that my form contains some pure bred nutters. I, however, no differently. I have taken as much time as I could getting to know each and every one of them as well as I could. To understand them and help them and show them affection. They mean a lot to me and I am very proud of each and every one of them (see photo on earlier post).
I wrote each one of them a personalized Christmas card with a message for the future contained within it. Only one pupil left it (JP). They are a very special bunch and I just hope that whoever has the privilege of looking after them in the future takes time to see how strong, emotional mature, independent, talented, unique and fabulous they are.
Every time I see Little Britain I will forever think of Sean, when I straighten my hair, Jake will spring to mind; when I see someone perform a dance routine, Eliza, When I hear the Artic Monkeys, Ryan will be reeling a long list of other bands "I've just got to listen to" in my memory. Each and everyone of them has left a lasting memory for me and has taught me much more than I have taught them.
Once they had left, the hugs were over and the Christmas tree had been demolished and packed away it was time to say goodbye to all of the staff that I have been working with. After opening my secret Santa at break time I was looking forward to opening my leaving pressies. I was pleasantly surprised to receive a ceramic flying pig, a fluffy pig with matching socks and a set of bags. I could then add the pink roses that I was presented with to the bouquet I already collected on Monday.
Once the formalities of the faculty were over and done with I had to face the whole staff again as we had our Christmas buffet (served by the SMT in silly hats). Ironically perhaps, this time there was a wealth of vegan food (they’d even got hold of hummus!) and the spread was, as usual, lovely. When it was time for the speeches I went with a focus that was positive and meant more to me than all the crap that I’ve had to deal with over the last 3 years and focused on the pupils. This went down well I think.
So now I’ve left and I haven’t really realized. I still refer to it as “my” school with “my” form and “my” classroom. The sad thing is that none of this is true any longer I’m just waiting to come to terms with that. I think I’ll wait until after Christmas. They do pay me until the 31st after all.
Posted by
9:52 pm
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Then the Year team had a go...
I think this fabulous pressie is all down to Maria Lavelle but I was surprised to discover that, when called to the office for urgent business this evening, I was presented with my very own...The Shenley Court Barbie does of course drive a yellow Beetle (covered in flowers) and has (as it says on the box) 11 accessories at her disposal. Amongst these are: A gun, a knife, a scuba suit, some flippers, the SEN list (which just says "Everyone" in it), the Discipline policy (which says "Please make up as you go along") and a first aid book.
Wwwwaaay Haaaay for ebay! ;)
When I told Matt the first thing he said was "cool. Does it go fast?"(it's remote controlled) Unfortunately, there's no remote control with it so we'll never know. Anyone got a secret Barbie car remote?
Posted by
4:57 pm
First pressie..
My form went and bought flowers!! But not just any flowers... My favourite flowers.... then they laughed when I cried! ;pThey really do surprise you sometimes....
Posted by
4:46 pm
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
partner wanted
for the other sock...
Made me chuckle.
Posted by
5:42 pm
Monday, December 12, 2005
10scl just after they stood on the lights' transformer...
and broke them! ;(
Now if you're a friend of mine then you'll have heard lots of little stories about each and everyone of this lot... maybe now you can guess who's who? That's if you're really bored... it could be interesting.
Daz, Rach et. al. have fun pointing and laughing!
Posted by
5:06 pm
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Just got back from the Year 10 leavers do
Its 12:00am Wednesday night and I've got back from the curry house, copied the pictures off the camera and thought that I would add to my blog.
I just had a lovely evening out with the most fabulous bunch of people in the world; the year 10 tutor team. They really are lovely. Not a bad banana amongst the bunch. I will miss them all very much.
There'll be no more 'Pants Monday' or embarressing singing in mass with Maria
No more friendly competition between 10SCL and Charles' form 10CHI.
No more secret chats in 'the pod' with Elaine whilst we console each other.
No more meetings where everyone squirms as I demand that the rules of the unions are upheld. (well actually there is one last one this Friday! ;))
Posted by
12:12 am
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
The Truth is out....
Reactions so far:
[Intake of breath from entire form with heads and necks all springing backwards at the same time in shock.]
"Come on miss it's not April the first for months yet"
"ARGHHH!" {hugging} "No!" {Hug} "oh another one! {Hug}
"Where are you going miss?"
"Shennly Court"
"oh my god! Why? You'll get bullied!"
"NO! That's it, we'll start a petition outside Mr Foley's office. No English until Miss Clarke is back"
"Oh right. OK Miss."
"Don't go miss"
Whilst leaving the room at the end of the lesson cleverest kid in my Year 8 Class:{audibly} "Well i know that we'll never have a teacher as good as Miss Clarke" {Lowering voice} "Just say the right thing and keep walking"
Posted by
4:40 pm
Friday, December 02, 2005
A plea!
Since 9am this morning (much to year 10s amusement) I've been trying desperatly to get hold of tickets to see TT. I haven't suceeded (I think this most unfair as I started the minute they went on sale!)
A plea to all those who are bored on a friday and have nothing better to do...
Call the NEC - I can't get through
Try the online boxoffice at the NEC - School network keeps timing out
Keep an eye out for more extra dates!!
Posted by
11:59 am
Thursday, December 01, 2005
20 days to go
Only 20 more days until I leave this school and begin at another.... Arghh!
It will be great to have a new challenge but I am going to miss the pupils here a great deal.
We've just put up our form chirstmas tree together and seleotaped the shinny lights to the whiteboard.
Xmas is coming, then New Year.. and what they don't know yet is that I won't be here to hail it in with them...
Posted by
12:04 pm