I was teaching my Year 10s about Ideology in Media Advertising today and showed them these videos....
It's amazing what we're supposed to live up to!
Makes the unreachable ideology quite clear I think! ;)
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Posted by
9:32 pm
Thursday, January 17, 2008
despite my best efforts
I've gone and caught the lurgy. The one where your head hurts, you sneeze all the time and you need to lie down a lot. :L( RUBBISH. I'm off work for the second day in a row today; I'd only end up sneezing and wheezing at pupils every hour on the hour.
As i woke up this morning I was greeted with the TV show Wanted Down Under. There was a couple (a rather odd couple one was 30 one was retiring at 65) who were thinking of moving to Cairns. They had a budget of £250,000 to spend on a house and wanted to live by the sea. It was a very strange experience. Firstly, being thrown over there for a week is not long enough to make a proper decision. Especially when they hook you up with work experience etc. Although a paid for trip would always be welcome I suppose. Secondly, it upset bot LOF and I (LOF is working from home today) as it was just another reminder of what we've left behind.
As the sun refuses to shine it's getting harder and harder to stay enthusiastic about England. As much as I am always envious of it's beauty (particularly in the countryside) and it's eventful weather - the snow was AWESOME. I can't help but wonder whether we shouldn't go back sooner that we planned. LOF is particulary happy to just get back on a plane... I on the other hand missed my family and friends sooo much that I'm not ready to do that yet. I am also aware that it won't be long before the sun does start to win a few battles with the rain. Surely, it won't be much longer before I can turn of the lights in the middle of the day! PLease???
I really need to walk along the beach in the sunshine right now. That would make me sooo much better. I need a latte and a veggie Focaccia from Strada cafe, LOF longs for a trip to the Marion and a frozen coke at the cinema. Ahhhhhh why is the grass always greener on the other side?
Give us time. I'm sure we'll get over it.
Posted by
11:59 am
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Back to reality
It;s been a busy week. I've returned to work, been hunting for houses and bought a wedding dress!! yay! (Finally!) Obviously I can not divulge the details of the dress on a website where certain snooping eyes may pry but I love wearing it so it must be nice :)
Work has been great. Infact, in some ways it feels like I was never really away. The students certainly seem to be behaving in that way towards me :) It's nice to feel wanted and loved ;!! lol. I have been trying hard not to allow work to tip into life and have been staying behind every night to focus on the work that needs to be done. That said, this week my timetable is very light in comparison to the 3 5 period days have waiting for me Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and I do have some concerns over the effect such a crowses period will have on the amount of work ( planning, marking etc) I can possibly get down before 5:30 - especially as parents evening is on one of those evenings ... Ahhhh it's all very interesting how we're supposed to keep on top of it all. I guess I'll just have to keep trying! There has to be a secret nack to it somehow and thus far it's worked! I Will have to do some planning tomorrow though... I chose to go to the pub well before 5:30 came around on Friday ;)
We had our first snow of the New Year yesterday too. It chose to fall just as I was driving home from Birmingham. This caused havoc on the roads but kept me amused. I was definitly happy screaming and smiling in my car as I drove down the hills of the A441 with my hand out of the open window catching snowflakes! Unfortunatly, by the time I got to my destination the snow had turned to slush, the slush to rain and it was all over :( It was cool to see the snowflakes falling from the sky though :)
The house hunt is not going as quickly as the weddind dress hunt unfortunatly. There just doesn't seem to be "THE" house on the market. We'll keep trudging on I guess :)
Posted by
9:46 pm
Friday, January 04, 2008
and the festivities are over...
Indeed I shall be returning to work as of Monday! Trips to Santa Claus the musical didn't prove as popular as anticipated. In fact I am impressed that LOM and LOF even went back into the theatre. I though the puppet reindeer and Screaching Ice Queen (Played by Angie from EastEnders) was fun! I think it was all a little too sickly sweet for the lads! lmao
New Year and Christmas were quiet ones. Although not as quiet as it might have been had we remained over in the other hemisphere for the celebartion! Having said that reports that the weather has been up to 43 degrees C do make me wonder how it is possible for it to be a "mild" christmas at just 8.
The Nintendo Wii has proved to be a rather big hit this year with LOF and I . We've been having lots of fun playing on Kel and G's Wii. IT's amazing how inspired you can be when trying to box someone else in a virtual environment! It's even more impressive that when you wake up the next day you do actually feel like you've gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson!
"so it's back to work, back to reality... ooo here comes gravity" for us now.
I wonder how we'll fare??
Posted by
5:14 pm