The study doesn't contain any study materials. The books and the cds are all gathered, boxed and stacked in the spare bedroom and the shelves are downstairs ready to be relocated. It's happening. It really is. The contents of our home are being sorted, sifted and packed. It's been fun. I've found loads of old cassettes with singing teens on and Vids with various gigs and shows which I am vowed to digitise before i throw them out.
An envelope arrived this morning with a set of questions from the buyers solicitors along with the contract of sale for us to sign. It really won't be long now. I kept telling my self that it was ok. I hadn't signed anything and so when that contract appeared this morning it was a little scary. Not as scary as it could be though and I am sure we're doing the right thing.
I can't help but think that when the guy we bought this off said "ah well, I've got time to wait and if I can't sell I can always rent" we should have replied with "excellent how much a month do you want a month?". We could have demanded a turfed lawn and saved ourselves a fortune. We'd be leaving for Oz in a couple of months rather than 6 and I'd be able to see where this was all going at a much faster rate.
If I were the family about to move into this lovely home I'd be so excited. It seems just long enough away that I can't really get excited yet. I'm walking back to age 16 again lol. Ah well it'll be fun. I even have my ol' bessie mate back in residence in a simliar fashion; although she'll be in her new home before I can say "HI!!!" and flash my desk lamp out of the window. Lucky lady :)
Dreams are funny ol' things. I've always had 'em but I've not always been brave enough to see them through (Especially the hard ones). I don't have any regrets and I don't want any now.
I've been checking flight prices and cancelling TV subscriptions. Onwards and Upwards! Well in 6 months anyway - in the meantime... onwards a bit and then PAUSE!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
It's rolling ahead...
Posted by
11:16 pm
Saturday, June 20, 2009
I've been packing.. well sorting really and I've come across a few funny things i'd like to share ;)
Here's some shots from some leavers books: (click em to make them larger)
Much more to come :)
Posted by
9:41 pm
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Updates! VIZORS (estate agents) rock!
Well, the couple that were buying the house messed around and then pulled out. NICE! Annoying. We decided to go back to the plan of adding extra agents to the house. We had Oulsnams and Vizors around to see what they could offer and decided that we'd go with Oulsnams. Before we could make the call to them to let them know our choice one of the sales people from Vizors called to tell us that they had a viewing for us. We hadn't even signed a contract at this point and she managed to persuade me to have 3 agents on the go. I wasn't too happy about this but didn't want to miss out on the opportunity of that viewing. I'm very glad I did agree because 24hrs after we signed up with VIZORS they sold the house!!! YAY! We can now breathe and make plans... We won't book flights... not until the contracts are exchanged but at last things are falling into place.
I didn't hand in my notice at work because, at that point, we hadn't sold and I didn't want to be without work. That means that we're hear until the end of the Autumn term but that's ok. We'll end up leaving exactly 2 years after we came back and it will give us an opportunity to recoup the vast amount of money we have lost. If you count our original deposit (which sunk when the recession raised its head) then we've lost about 40,000 (GULP) but C'est la vie! and we'll soon recoup what we need in savings. We're moving back in with mum until we do and then we'll be off around Xmas (Just got to work out when the flights are cheapest).
We'll be packing for the next few weeks and giving away all sorts of things. So vultures... start circling for your bargains! ;)
Posted by
2:12 pm