Friday, July 31, 2009

27th december 2009

That's the day we leave the country :)

It's all been paid for and sorted. We'll bes taying the night in AbuDhabi on the way. I wanted to stay with Runky Dunk but it was about 300 quid more expensive :(. At least now I know when I'm off! I guess I'd better officially hand in my notice!

The house Completed at 3 ish today so the new people are moving in as we speak. Hopefully they've discovered the chippy down the road. I've spent hours cleaning that house; i got over excited with the steam cleaner we'd bought to get the oven clean! It's immaculate. I hope they are very happy in their new home :)

Next weeks mission is to get the cats all booked and approved. I've told them to start practicing their ozzy accents... Meeyaaooww. ;)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Days 2 +3

By the end of day 2 all of the rest of the gubbins was downstairs in a massive pile. Everything that had ever come into contact with the outside world had been scrubbed to within and inch of it's life (boots, shoes, garden furniture, camping stuff, flag poles ) and the cats had been relocated to me Ma's. I was absolutely knackered and wasn't too impressed by the cats enthusiasm to purr and walk all over me all night ;(

day three was a little easier as men arrived and did it all for us! Ace. I did insist on taking my Dyson (Do you know how much they cost!!) and so had to spend 2 hours scrubbing it's various tubes with a toothbrush. Then steam cleaning the bits that I couldn't reach -MADNESS. There really isn't a chance that that contains anything living(spider or micro organism) so I'm hoping they won't take it off me the other end!

It was kind of exciting to see everything leaving. It had all been wrapped in brown paper. I even saw them tip out some plastic tags (the ones you put on the tops of suspension files) and wrap them up! They were in the bottom of a box containing SMART board stuff. It might me laugh seeing them do that. If it had been me packing they would have gone in the bin! Pss are great at what they do though and they unpack it all for me at the other end!! woo hoo! More sitting around ;)

The remit says that they pack everything... that's what they did! We made sure our documentation was at Mum's before they arrived! :- ) But.. it's done now. My stuff is close to Span in South London and will be bunged onto a ship before we know it. A friend in Adelaide has kindly offered to be Customs' point of contact over there and then it will sit in storage until we arrive. It's all very exciting.

There are still lot of bits and bobs in the house. Stuff for ebay and car boot sales etc. I've also got to empty the fridge and the garage. I have until Friday. We should complete on the 31st so today (Saturday) I'm having a bit of a rest. ZZZZzzzzz

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Day one

Day one of the BIG move has ended.

We've moved everything we're keeping here to mum's and flat packed all of the wooden furniture downstairs. The bedrooms are empty of their contents (which are now in boxes downstairs) and the "Bed man" is coming in the morning to take them apart ready for the lorry on Friday. The cats have brought us a dead bird a day this week and today we've recieved a bird's leg in the morning, a mouse at lunchtime and another half eaten bird this evening. I think they're a little anxious. Unfortunately they don't understand that, being vegetarian, their hunting skills are not likely to persuade me to keep them! ;)

Of course I am keeping them and they will be parcelled over to mothers by the end of tomorrow. There's still sooo much stuff everywhere though! We haven't even looked in the garage yet. Mum's coming over to clean the garden furniture to within an inch of it's life tomorrow and we'll have to put to one side, anything from the garage which needs to be shipped. That will include my SMART board! (lol)

I'm feeling ok at the moment. Which is good; i'm not always fantastic in these situations. Having been ill last weekend I'm really only getting back into my normal "nom" routine now. Just in time to finish eating the contents of the fridge ;)

I'll put up some piccies tomorrow. For now, i'm off to spend the last night i'll have in my comfy bed until I'm in Aus. I'll miss it!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The date's been set

Next Friday.

That's when a large container will pull up and we will empty the contents of the house into it. Then a week later I won't live here anymore. I won't own a house anymore and i'll be able to save to get to the land of the sane!

I continue to allow myself to be wound up by ICT things... I know I shouldn't but I do get insulted by the ignorance of certain individuals. Which is silly because i'm sure it IS ignorance rather than anything personal. However, if I am expected to attend a session on trouble shooting a "VLE" for my subject, delivered by someone who has no idea what that actually means, I will need to be bound and gagged. Can I request now that I am NOT the person that gets sent by the director???!!! LMAO.

Ah well. Lots of stressful events to come..... Watch how I hold myself together! :)

I've been really poorly this weekend :( I must have eaten something very dodgy because I couldn't even keep down the medicine I was trying to take to make it all go faster! I'm a bit better today and determind not to miss my last day with my form tomorrow.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Span is moving in to her new flat this weekend (Yay!) and will be launching a fully fledged London love nest. There will be discussions about the "shoe cupboard" and the new wardrobes that must be ordered. I am not there, professionals were hired, but i hope to visit soon enough :)

We're still packing. Although it feels more like mooching whilst waiting to get going . We should, in my opinion, be leaving this week but everyone's seems to have a slightly more laid back approach to the completion date than I'd hoped. It'll be my job to stick a rocket up their proverbial tomorrow I guess.

The cats seems a little unsettled and are clearly finding the whole process rather exhausting ;) but we're muddling on through. We have lots of bits which will need new home though. Including: christmas decorations, halloween decorations, a TV and various bits of gardening paraphenalia. Let us know if you are in need of any such items.