Friday, September 09, 2005

Free as a bird

There are those who have been concerned about me this week. Beautiful people who have asked me am I ok? How's school going? Do you want me to break anyone's legs.(lol)
They need not worry

I have sailed through this week. It has felt so very strange... I've enjoyed every moment and every class as run smoothly, beautifully and has been really enjoyable. The communal areas that I share with other staff have not seemed threatening in any way and I've even managed to be relaxed around those I used to get really angry about.

I let go of all that crap. I really did. It's amazing what a difference it has made to me. I can now hold my head up high. I know that I'm doing a good job and I am certain that those around me will notice that too if I continue to be a calm and centred as I am at the moment.

My classroom is tidy! (Shocking) my lessons are written in my planner and my relationships with everyone has returned to where it should be. Excellent.

Please do not worry. It's all fine.

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