Sunday, January 15, 2006

Ode to a traveller....

Runky Dunk spunk is off for a short while
He's flying on Monday to another isle
No he's not the co-pilot so he can sit and relax
as he zooms across the earth hoping he's packed
His computer, his suit, his clothes, his clean pants
as he's off to Egypt to learn more about it's lands

I first met Dunk at secondary school
He was a loveable rogue, his brother famed cool.
He loved to work sums and draw Gorman on my books
He helped me with maths and gave the girls his keen look.

I like to think that I've influenced his life
And, guiltily, I think that I may have helped, in year 9
To get him excluded for a short time.
You see Dunk is a knight who fights clean battles
and when Max annoyed him he punched him in the knackers.

I remember the heady days of the A level Syl
When Great Expectations were over the hill
He discovered Dickens' use as a tennis bat
and spent hours studying how to hit the rubber with meaningful attack

I remember the days when this pure breed would drink
I have heard all the stories and shudder to think
of events on back seats and days with police
the witnessed accounts of drunken reverie
the night of his birthday when a kiss was 10p
the flashing lights inside, the flashing dunk outside.

He told me last week he was sad to be leaving,
that the 1o years past was pulling his heart strings
He needs to know now that it hasn't all ended
His friends, the ones who love him
will always be waiting
and on his return, whenever that might be
we'll be looking forward to the massive party, (alcohol free.)

So here's to Runky who's off to Eggy put
We'll watch your blog closely to see what you wrote
We'll wait for the piccies, the written accounts
and hope that this trip will inspire him to travel around.
Enjoy your 6 months without any code.
Stop writing about biology, grammar and polls.

Bon Voyage mon ami, Bon Chance et j'espère que tu as une bonne journey!


Mark said...

That's HIGH school, miss. Don't be ashamed of your bizarre Redditch three-tier roots!

Anonymous said...

Hi Moch,

I read this some time ago meaning to post a comment. Its so nice :) Thankyouuuu... miss you all (especially the catty wattys!)