Sunday, March 25, 2007

Kites and Camels

We went up to Semaphore beach today to witness what should have been a kiting extravaganza. Semaphore is lovely, with it's own little steam railway, one water slide, mini golf and a beach with much wider sand dunes that we have outside our house. You'd think this would be pretty and lovely. Well it would be if it wasn't for the "beware of the snakes" signs that you have to look at worriedly before you look for evil snakes on your approach to the sea. (it's ok though I'm qualified to bandage you and tell you to sit still!)

Unfortunatly when we got to the beach the wind was not that high. This meant that there weren't too many big kites in the air and that the great "lolly drop" had to be postponed - no sweets falling through the air for me :(

Instead we went to Glenelg and whilst I was sitting drinking my Java Choc Chip (with minty syrup - mint choc chip you see!) I was amazed to spot a couple of camels in a line! In Glenelg! Classic! woo hoo!

Mum, I also discovered an amazing minigolf course for you! You'll love it ;)

Spent the evening learning to do Divs in notebook (i'm turning into Bogus!) so that I can design my own website for my new business. I now have an official Australian Business number - dear god! lol

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