Monday, October 29, 2007

There's a hole in my ceiling dear liza, dear liza...

I went upstairs yesterday to be greeted with the smell of TCP. Then I noticed that the landing light wouldn't work, or the bathroom or the office. Doh! Fuse gone i thought. Matt was on the phone to his mum so i left him to it for a bit.

When he'd finished on the phone I let him know and we went to look. We could hear dripping but thought it was the tap. We didn't know where the fuse box was so Matt went looking. In the meantime I thought i'd turn off the dripping tap... then my feet were wet... and then my head was wet... Arghh...

We used a table lamp from the bedroom and discovered that the lampshade in the bathroom was full of water!! EIk! Water was coming along the electrical cables and dripping in to the light! Not so good.

By this point it was 11pm but we called the landlord and I made Matt turn off the electricity. He said he'd send someone out in the morning.

I was a little concerned that if the lamp got any heavier it would pull the ceiling with it but I wasn't going to let Matt unwire it with the water still there... so we left it. The landlord seemed to think it could wait until morning so I put a bucket under the dripping lamp and we went to bed with a candle.

An hour later Matt sent me to look to see how the bucket was doing. It had about 1/4 inch of water in so not too bad - should be ok until the morning. For some reason I decided to turn back and go into the bathroom (torch in tow) and then the light gave way and the water crashed to the ground. I screamed and went running into the bedroom shouting "it's happened! It's happened!" (After the event Matt thought this was hilarious me screaming and waving a torch hysterically in circles "It's happened!!!") lol.

Anyway the long and short of it is... we have a nice dripping hole in our ceiling now... where there was once a light a light. No one came today to sort it as the electrician got tied up so we're waiting until tomorrow. We've managed to isolate the lights circuit so we at least have the sockets but no lights. lol We'll be seeing by the power of bed side tables this evening :)

Fun Fun Fun ! All because we need to find a new tenant! lol

The weather has been particularly violent this weekend so I image that is what has caused it. The sand was being blasted all over the place and the garage roof sounded like it was about to take off at some points lol.

Here's hoping it's sorted soon though. What spiders lurk above that hole and how long will it take them to discover the bathroom??? eik!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Matt was probably remembering when he had a leak above his bunk beds and we had a huge balloon of ceiling paper filled with water from a leak in the roof. Which of course burst and decided to soak Matt in bed in the middle of the night. We thought he had had an accident LOL. These disasters keep following you around dont they Matt ? I should invest in some wellington boots and a good umbrella. Mom xxxxxxxxx