Friday, February 06, 2009

EVEN more snow!

I can't believe it!

My school was open today but I couldn't get there!! It started snowing at 6am and didn't stop until 11:30. The kids in my street were sledging up and down the very slippery road that I would have had to drive along... Scary.
Madly, by 2pm it had turned a bit slushy and the roads were clear.
A big thank you to all those who had to cover me today :)

I've just watched the weather forcast and they've mentioned there's more on the way! I love snow but i hate all this uncertainty. It was awful this morning when I didn't know what to do!! Even worse when i realised that I was stuck.


Mummy Cow said...

And it's HOW hot in Australia?!!
MC x

Selena Woodward said...

just the 40 degrees C ;)