Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Car Booty!

We took a boot full to the Studley and sold some of it. Making about 85 squid!
We're gonna go again next week to sell more stuff :) As soon as we arrived we were bombarded by people asking if we had any mobile phones. I did and sold an old K700i for five quid - that's 25p more than I would have got on one of those trade in your phone sites (lol). Then the old stereos went and walking maps.
It was fun!

It is amusing how much people are NOT prepared to spend. Span, tried to sell your chocolate fondue set for you... no one would pay 4quid!! LOL. Still got it ;)
Got rid of the old playstation and game cube though.

Bizarrely, the people who bought our house were 4 cars down from us. (eik!) I avoided their eyes - I didn't want to hear about what they'd done to my lovely house :(.

Ah well, Next week we have a fire place to sell... ooooohhhhhhh!

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