Friday, May 06, 2005

Blogging Brilliant!

Logo Posted by Hello

A friend of mine was the first to keep a blog. She was the one who introduced me to this somewhat bizairre concept in the first place. Her entries consist of the day to day events that occur in her life, the angry moments, the happy moments, the drunken moments ;) She has recorded an entry on her blog stating that her blog is less worthy than my mere ramblings!

To SPANAIR i say the following...

You're blog is braver, more entertaining and more sensational than anything I could ever possibly write. I called you last night to seek advice on a little writing project; that's how much better you are!

At some point in her life the wonderful, intelligent and beautiful (NOT FAT!) span is going to have to realise that she IS wonderful, intelligent, beautiful and more than worthy of praise!! lol

Three cheers for SPAN!

Hip hip Hooray!
Hip hip Hooray!
Hip hip Hooray!

With nobs on.

Check it out! lol

1 comment:

SpanAir said...

Mochinbach blogging rocks! Which is why her blog is called Rockingmochin, cause she, like, rocks!

And is also not fat, neither of us are fat, NOT FAT.

See you at the gym lovely lady
