Sunday, September 06, 2009

Mr and Mrs Aikman

Created with flickr slideshow.

Congratulations are in order for Mr and Mrs Aikman (jnr.).  Instead of spending the weekend planning and considering the arival of students tomorrow I've spent it watching two lovely people make lovely promises to each other. :) - Much more like it!

The wedding was down in Cardiff (where they first met and where Liz's family live). It was a wonderful day.  The speeches were lovely.  I think one of the loveliest things about weddings is that it's one of the only times in your life when your friends and family publicly delcare how much they love you and proud they are of your achievements.  It was quite emotional, Jac was choked up as he talked about Liz.  Choked up despite the fact that my already drunk husband was wolf whistling at him!  His whistles were well timed though ;)

LOF had a great time.  He drank A LOT. In fact he has completly lost 2 hours of the evening as a result of alcohol consumption! LMAO.  After eating the biggest plate of food he's had in a while he declared that there was "a problem" - He'd drunk too much and we had to circumnavigate the marquee repeatedly until he felt a little better.  I ended up leaving him with his friends so I could capture Liz and Jac's first dance - i knew he'd never remember the live version anyway! Deary me! lol

Ah well. I have lots of lovely pictures of him doing what looked like the dance from Mary Poppins (Chim Chim Cheree) to Don't stop me now.  Silly bugger!  ;) Check flickr for more piccies!

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