Monday, March 19, 2007

Basic Emergency Life Support

That's the name of the course that I attended and sucessfully completed today. Shenley, will be able to add me to their list of first aiders when I get back in Jan because to teach here, in SA, every teacher has to complete this course. I had to do CPR on several plastic people (a Grown-up, a small child and a baby). I also had to learn about Epi-pens, fractures, bleeding, asthma, seizures and defribulators. It was an interesting day. I am certain that Mr Firman will be delighted that I will be able to deal with any number of emergencies. Including:
bee Stings,
ant bites,
posionous ant bites
Posionous snake bites and
posionous Spider bites,

If a snake happens to bite you, I am now fully qualified to tell you not to move, to wrap up the area where you were bitten and tie it to you so that you can't move and to call an ambulance whilst you wait. Apparently, the good news is that snake bites don't hurt. The only way you know is as you see it nibbling on your arm.
Red back bites however... they REALLY hurt although they are not (as we are commonly led to believe) fatal.
There is also another spider called the "white tip" who isn't venomous but eats from dead things, then bites you so that you get infected and have to have bits of you chopped away if you don't take antibiotics quickly.

I got to hear lots of stories about snakes in people's toilets, the snake wire that the course teacher kept on her porch for killing snakes that sat too near her "wading pool" and the fact the white tips enjoy sitting on your sheets for somereason. Giving then ample opportunity to bite you in your sleep; they're not easy to spot either as they are tiny.

All in all a very productive and interesting day :)
God love Australia!

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