Saturday, September 03, 2005

Two days to go....

My god... Six weeks ago I said the same thing about the end of term. Hasn't time flown?

I've been to work for the last two days getting my classroom prepared for the new year. Sad aren't I? Lol. I'm supposed to be on holiday and I choose to spend my time at work! Oh well I guess that's enthusiasm and dedication for you.

They've painted my classroom you see and so I had to make all my displays look good to match the newly painted walls. I now have pink and yellow notice boards! Yeah! lol. I'm not sure my year 10 form will appreciate that somehow. ;)

I'm sat listening to the soundtrack of "The forty Year Old Virgin" at the moment. That was a very funny film and I just had to own their rendition of Aquarius. It was hilarious. LOF kept singing it at me so I had to do something.

I haven't blogged anything on here for a while so I thought I'd update it a little. Span has guests this weekend so she seems to have been inventing ways to avoid using her new kitchen lol. She's having a bar b que tonight so I'll try and get some piccies. Alas LOM can not be called Lord of the Flame 2 as he has gone out and become posh (He bought a gas bar b q.) no flames and smoke for him!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Best of luck for tomorrow. Every thing will be peachy!