Thursday, June 07, 2007

Do you know a Sam?

It was at this point - according to LOF - that you should have run away laughing or (as he did the other night) start talking in a mock exorcists styleee..

Here's a couple of reasons why....

By the way I have read his autobiography which includes a guide to tuning your spirit. My favorite bit are the stories where he tells us that as a boy he could bring to life his dinner. Like the fresh fish he carried home one night for his mother....
Oh and that the first time he saw a ghost it appeared to him on a toilet door, whilst he was sat on the loo.

I used to make us all sit and watch MH all the time... I remember vividly the moment this happened and the sheer delight it gave LOM and Bogus...

and this one had an extra bit lol apparently they thought it funny too... lol

For our Australian viewers (lol) who don't have the pleasure of Most Haunted...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not now, Sam! I'm on the telly! Not now! Sam! Not now, Sam!

I bet he read "Mary loves Dick" on the toilet wall.