Saturday, July 21, 2007

Harry Potter ....

The advantage of being 8.5 hours ahead of the UK is that Harry Potter (having been released at the same time across the world) was released this morning at precisely 8:31am. I didn't have to try and stay up all night and I could pick up the book and go get some breakfast after - much to LOFs enjoyment.

Much to a lot of Australian's surprise there was an enormous cue outside the book shop. We'd pre-ordered our copies (along with over 500 others) and had to wait about an hour before we could get inside the shop to pick it up! As you would expect there were people who had stayed the night outside the shop; we even saw one witch carrying a large mattress on her back (a camping mattress of course!).

There were some excellent efforts on the costume front and it was very amusing to see this group of Gryffindors reading just outside the shop. We were also quite surprised when a man dressed as Hagrid started wandering up the line to tell us that there wasn't a cue at his book shop! - Well i guess you would be a bit gutted if on of the other major bookstores seems to have all the customers whilst you twiddle your thumbs! lol. Bless em.

Seven news was even there... I wonder if we'll be on it - standing in a cue? Who knows. Anyway I've got some reading to do :)


Anonymous said...

Look at that cheesy grin! Have you finished the book yet?

Mochinbach said...

Oh yes!

Anonymous said...

Are you wearing your witches costume in the picture?