Sunday, July 19, 2009

The date's been set

Next Friday.

That's when a large container will pull up and we will empty the contents of the house into it. Then a week later I won't live here anymore. I won't own a house anymore and i'll be able to save to get to the land of the sane!

I continue to allow myself to be wound up by ICT things... I know I shouldn't but I do get insulted by the ignorance of certain individuals. Which is silly because i'm sure it IS ignorance rather than anything personal. However, if I am expected to attend a session on trouble shooting a "VLE" for my subject, delivered by someone who has no idea what that actually means, I will need to be bound and gagged. Can I request now that I am NOT the person that gets sent by the director???!!! LMAO.

Ah well. Lots of stressful events to come..... Watch how I hold myself together! :)

I've been really poorly this weekend :( I must have eaten something very dodgy because I couldn't even keep down the medicine I was trying to take to make it all go faster! I'm a bit better today and determind not to miss my last day with my form tomorrow.

1 comment:

Mummy Cow said...

Hmmm... but I love the fact you intimidate the presenters... who to send??